at the park - a BROTHERS TUTTLE film


Well-known member


(Let us know what you thought)

All right guys we're new to this place, but you have gotten us all excited to give this fest a try. We've actually have been thinking about this one ever since the early rumors of what the next fest was going to be and we've just been itching to do something for this site ever since HorrorFest.

So without further delay, we present:

*conceptual poster

A young single mother takes her daughter to the park so she can meet up with an old flame. She hopes a familiar face from her reckless past will bring some enjoyment to what she thinks is a unexciting life. At first everything seems to start off exactly as planned until certain events cause everything to spiral out of control...


Erica, the Mother - Shannon Diana
Abbey, the Daughter - Sydney Geisinger
Jarred, the Flame - Louie Del Monico
The Homeless Man - Mike Burnell
The Jogger - Jeff Sullivan


Director, Writer, Producer, Editor, Visual Effects Artist, Sound - The Brothers Tuttle
Story - Cheyne Tuttle and The Bothers Tuttle
Director of Photography, Producer - Seth Phelps
Composer - Herman Witkam
Production Designer - Cheyne Tuttle
Visual Effects Artist, Production Assistant - Kalum Truett
Make Up - John Aviles
Associate Producer - Jeff Sullivan

Camera - HVX-200 (Shot to Mini-DV (Standard Def))
Lights - Mostly reflectors
Other - Dolly, tripod, some filters (Polarizer and Gradient ND)

Presidio Park and Allied Gardens Park, San Diego CA

BTS Material:
Conceptual Art on Page 3
Location Photos and Story Boards on Page 6
BTS Photos - First and Second day of principal photography on Page 8
Screen Grabs - From First and Second day of shooting on Page 11
BTS Photos - Third and Fourth day of shooting on Page 11
BTS VIDEOS!! and Photos - Fifth and Sixth day of shooting on Page 13
BTS Photos - Post-Production photos added to Page 18
Screen Grabs - From Final Cut, Set 1 on Page 22
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Cool, man. Glad to have you as part of the fest as well.

Animals and kids. They tried to use my wife's cat in "The Diary of Anne Frank" last year that I was in. The cat is cool as hell, but apparently not when he is in a cage. Which he escaped from, ran to the greenroom and pissed on my pants. Which I didn't find out about until after rehearsal, when I am sitting in the house getting notes, and reaking of cat piss.
Just don't put the child in a cage and you should be alright :)

Good luck to you, man. Looking forward to updates as they come.

Nosaj (Jason)
Hey, I like this man's prioritization...he's gonna put off his 25 minute short to enter in the Drama-Fest. That's the kind of dedication we can all learn from.
i'm beginning to think i should be the official dvxuser spell check...

hey jeremy, on your poster i believe it should read "anything could happen" or "anything could have happened" -- but it seems wrong to me as it is right now. maybe it's part of your film?? i hope it is so that i can look like a jackass! ;)

otherwise i love the poster and am looking forward to the film! you better get your hands on a dvx soon!! -kyle
Kyle Stebbins said:
i'm beginning to think i should be the official dvxuser spell check...

hey jeremy, on your poster i believe it should read "anything could happen" or "anything could have happened" -- but it seems wrong to me as it is right now. maybe it's part of your film?? i hope it is so that i can look like a jackass! ;)

otherwise i love the poster and am looking forward to the film! you better get your hands on a dvx soon!! -kyle

Dang it, I actually had it at one point saying "anything could have happened" but I changed it at the last minute not fixing the tense on the "happen". I'll get on fixing that. Wait... I mean yes, that's all part of the movie, the main character speaks in broken english:laugh: Okay... maybe I just need an editor.

Thanks for the comments Kyle and we hope on picking a DVX up or getting a camera operator with one to help us out.

EDIT: Poster fixed.

Ramjet1979 said:
Cool, man. Glad to have you as part of the fest as well.

Animals and kids. They tried to use my wife's cat in "The Diary of Anne Frank" last year that I was in. The cat is cool as hell, but apparently not when he is in a cage. Which he escaped from, ran to the greenroom and pissed on my pants. Which I didn't find out about until after rehearsal, when I am sitting in the house getting notes, and reaking of cat piss.
Just don't put the child in a cage and you should be alright :)

Nosaj (Jason)

Okay, Don't put the kid in a cage... check.

Mike McNeese said:
Hey, I like this man's prioritization...he's gonna put off his 25 minute short to enter in the Drama-Fest. That's the kind of dedication we can all learn from.

Ya... until my producers kill me that is:)
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jeremytuttle said:
Dang it, I actually had it at one point saying "anything could have happened" but I changed it at the last minute not fixing the tense on the "happen". I'll get on fixing that. Wait... I mean yes, that's all part of the movie, the main character speaks in broken english:laugh: Okay... maybe I just need an editor.

Borat comes to mind! Anyone going to see that this weekend? I can't wait!

I'm sure you will find someone with a DVX willing to help in the California area... everyone is a movie mogul out there, right? =)
-kyle s
"Movie moguls"... not as much in San Diego... but I have hopes. We've wanted to take a leap and jump to HD but it's hard to bite that bullet, especially sense I have all ready spent 5k on my XL-1s and accessories (of course that was a few years back) and then if we buy an HVX, panasonic will come out with the HVX400 or something that will be way better *groan*... okay I'm done venting... wow technology really get's me worked up:)
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Update :: 11-01-06

First draft of the script is complete. It's ten pages long with only dialogue and actions. Hmmm... will need to be trimmed, but we wanted to just get our ideas down in a flowing order and then later we can chop and cut anything that doesn't drive the story but retains the character arcs. We have a few actors in mind for the lead roles but nothing is official.

Stay tuned - jeremy
Update :: 11-02-06

Okay, we have started to hack away at the script. It's hard for us to try and make some of our ideas condensed (we love back story and character development) but that is the nature of the "short". We should have a shorter draft within a few days. I've started working on some conceptual art work and costume designs for our characters and will hopefully have something to show you guys this weekend. We are shooting a pick-up shot for our other short, Room 232, tonight so we are a little busy with that to get anything posted sooner.
Sounds good, man. Glad to see you are moving forward. I just put the first stuff on paper a couple of hours ago, myself. I have less than a page so far:)

Update :: 11-06-06

Did some location scouting and took some pics. Found a really nice park that I didn't even know existed in San Diego (hey I've only lived here all my life :) )

Also did some art work of what I think one of the main characters should look like. I will post that drawing tonight.

Our current plan is to buy and HVX by the first week of December (I've wanted one of these for a year now) but we are still looking for any DPs/Camera Ops that want some experience or just to have fun and work on a great short. Let us know.
tommyinla said:
Or you could always go and rent an HVX for the duration of the shoot...

We'll we thought of that but if we have to shoot it ourselves we want to be really familiarize with it first which would require at least two extra days of renting just to play with that and we plan on shooting over two weekends so that is a total of six days. If the rental fee is around 250, that is 1500 or maybe two weekly rentals for 700 coming to 1400, either way that is a big chunk of just buying a camera that we have wanted any way and that we will use on another short we have coming up in spring and yet again on a feature we have planned for next year. *gasp for air*, So that is a reason why we are a little hesitant to rent.
jeremytuttle said:
We'll we thought of that but if we have to shoot it ourselves we want to be really familiarize with it first which would require at least two extra days of renting just to play with that and we plan on shooting over two weekends so that is a total of six days. If the rental fee is around 250, that is 1500 or maybe two weekly rentals for 700 coming to 1400, either way that is a big chunk of just buying a camera that we have wanted any way and that we will use on another short we have coming up in spring and yet again on a feature we have planned for next year. *gasp for air*, So that is a reason why we are a little hesitant to rent.
That's understandable. We rented an SDX900 for our Horrorfest entry that never actually made the deadline. We had a DVX available, but chose the better camera. If you can actually afford to purchase the HVX, then by all means, do so. Especially if you have other projects planned out already.
Hey Jeremy, I wanted to one, congrat you on your entry and two, tell you how much I love your poster and banner. I just love it!

Good luck on your production. Looking forward to following your thread and getting the updates!

Updates are sounding good man. I am very interested to see your artwork.

Hope you get the hvx. woo hoo. I saw you inquiring about tom lowe's there. Hope you get it man. It's definitely an awesome camera (that I don't know how to use).

Ramjet1979 said:
Updates are sounding good man. I am very interested to see your artwork.

Hope you get the hvx. woo hoo. I saw you inquiring about tom lowe's there. Hope you get it man. It's definitely an awesome camera (that I don't know how to use).


Ya, I gonna have a learning curve also. (start plug) I thinking I'm gonna buy the HVX Bootcamp DVD, On sale now:thumbsup: (end plug)