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  1. DC

    Clicking Sound

    I had to do a double-take on the date when I saw the post! lol
  2. DC

    Acquisition guidelines for various networks?

    I'm hoping someone can point me to the right places for finding this information... I know that networks can be picky about their allowable video acquisition and required percentages. I need to know the acceptable cameras, formats, frame rates, etc. for documentary/realityTV distribution on...
  3. DC

    Problem powering AF100 with external Lanparte power pinch

    Let me preface this by saying that I am (supposedly) the only one reporting this problem among successful reports with the same setup, and the seller has been excellent trying to remedy this situation. Also, I've tested the voltage for all components (including alternate units, cables &...
  4. DC

    [FS: General] Sigma SD15 with Nikon-F pro mount

    Sigma SD15 with Nikon-F pro mount Lightly used, in excellent condition. Modified with the Nikon-F pro mount (a $350 value) from Sigma Cum Laude. Use many Nikon-F lenses with this camera (in manual mode). The original SA factory mount is included if you want to switch back. This is a great...
  5. DC

    [WTB] Zeiss Distagon T* 28mm f/2.0 Lens with ZF.1 Mount for Nikon

    Zeiss Distagon T* 28mm f/2.0 Lens with ZF.1 Mount for Nikon NOTE: I prefer to buy the first version of the lens (ZF.1), not the latest version (ZF.2).
  6. DC

    Panasonic to Preview AVC-Ultra (at NAB 2012) Panasonic to Preview AVC-Ultra CRAIG JOHNSTON /04.11.2012 12:46PM SECAUCUS, N.J.—Panasonic's AVC-Ultra compression scheme, the big technology focus for the company at the 2012 NAB Show, will not include the introduction...
  7. DC

    Sigma SD1 Merrill DSLR, a few compacts, and a tribute to Dick Merrill

    Yeah, no worries. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It always baffled me that Sigma was the only company to embrace FOVEON. Now they own FOVEON! Just because, here are some photos I've taken with either my Sigma SD14 or SD15 (both FOVEON-based cameras)... (yeah, I haven't watermarked...
  8. DC

    Sigma SD1 Merrill DSLR, a few compacts, and a tribute to Dick Merrill

    I've been a Sigma shooter for awhile now, hopelessly smitten with the imagery output of the FOVEON sensor. I had an SD14, and now an SD15 (both were modified for Nikon lenses). Sigma is launching three cameras with the "Merrill" badge, signifying a tribute to the late Dick Merrill (co-inventor...
  9. DC

    SOLD Rack mount

    SOLD Los Angeles: Used rack mount for sale "as is." Approx 6' tall. Power, shelves, bolts included. Buyer is responsible for picking up item within 48 hours of sale. $95 obo - Cash, Paypal, Visa, MC, AmEx PM me if interested SOLD
  10. DC

    SOLD Cinemek G35 adapter

    ************SOLD************ Cinemek G35 adapter and bayonet (for the HPX170) in excellent condition. The time has come for me to part with this awesome 35mm adapter. The cost was approximately $1200 when I bought the kit new. Asking $900. I will even throw in a...
  11. DC

    [FS: General] Cinevate Flip Module

    Cinevate Flip Module in excellent condition. The time has come for me to part with this. The system can accomodate image inversion on targets sized well over SLR frame sizes, has perfect z axis alignment, and on initial tests, is exceeding...
  12. DC

    Sony F65 premieres in Hollywood

    Times, o' they are interesting! SONY F65 CAMERA PREMIERES IN HOLLYWOOD September 7, 2011 By Chris J Russo Last night I attended the “Hollywood Premiere of the Sony F65 Camera” at the DGA in Los Angeles, a preview of the...
  13. DC

    Home security camera system. Advice please.

    Hello all . . . Sorry, I haven't been too active on here lately - life has been crazy hectic. Not necessarily in a bad way though. But I do still read the threads fairly often. Anyway, I have a bit of a situation. I normally like to think the best of people, but sadly there are some...
  14. DC

    SOLD Digital Harinezumi 2++ camera (Japanese import)

    Digital Harinezumi 2++ camera from SuperHeadz I purchased the camera less than a year ago and used it gently on one music video project - it functions perfectly fine and is cosmetically sound. It really is a great little camera that produces some astounding retro pictures and video (the "8mm...
  15. DC

    R.I.P. Mike Starr (original bassist for Alice In Chains)

    Mike Starr found dead in Salt Lake City on March 8th, 2011 I was really hoping he wouldn't stay in that same "Layne." R.I.P. Mike - you shouldn't have gone out that way, especially not after coming so far . . .
  16. DC

    MUSIC VIDEO: Informer "Wires"

    What I've been up to lately . . . Low tech / good tech ! :thumbsup: Informer "Wires" - OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO Cast - Jeff Dylan Graham, Johanna Sadonis, Rayshele Teige, Douglas Jantzen Jr., David Lloyd Wilson, Celmuun Dawcharbajar, and Zor. Makeup Effects - Teresa Lopez Gaffer - Curt...
  17. DC

    WANTED: Visual F/X Specialist; compositing for music video (LA, or elsewhere)

    Position Filled / Project Completed I need VFX done for a low-budget music video project that I've produced, shot and directed . . .
  18. DC

    Free Film Contracts and Forms

    Contracts, waivers, releases . . . forms o' plenty! I came across this and figured it would be good to share.
  19. DC

    Music video shoot (Los Angeles area) - need MAKEUP artist

    Nov 20th & 28th I had booked a makeup artist for this but she just dropped out :nads: and now I'm scrambling for a replacement. :furious3: It is mostly some very light special f/x. Need to make one person look a little gaunt, and like he's been through the wringer or something. A half-dead...
  20. DC

    [FS: General] Bella EZ Keyboard Pro Series (model 3104)

    I am selling a used Bella EZ Keyboard Pro Series (model 3104) I used it with Avid Xpress Pro non-linear editing software. It has the built-in jog shuttle wheel. Also works as a regular keyboard. Connects via USB for PC/Mac. Keyboard works, selling "as is." $90 Local Los Angeles buyer...